(Women in God's Service)

Coordinator: Patty Hacker


All women are encouraged and welcomed to attend a variety of bible studies, monthly gatherings, special events, and mission opportunities.


The vision of WinGS is to join the hearts of women by connecting in fellowship, growing through bible study and worship, and serving alongside one another for God's glory that we might be shining lights in the darkness.


We strive to offer scripture driven bible study partnered with mission education and opportunities for application.


Our gatherings allow us to connect with one another, have fun, and be challenged to grow in our personal relationship with Jesus. We also offer local, state, and world mission opportunities.


Come find your place and spread your wings!


Answers for Women Conference

Coordinator: Kelsey Staley


February 28 -- 6:00-8:30pm

March 1 -- 8:00am-2:00pm


Cost: $10

($15 after Jan 31)


Location: Casey First Baptist Church

101 E Alabama Ave

Casey IL 62420


Limited childcare provided.